Helping you train your best friend in Franklin NC!
Thank You for visiting!
 Through both classes and private training, we specialize in helping you to train your four legged  friend to be a happy, well mannered member of the family! Classes run for five weeks and are limited in size so that you and your dog get plenty of
 personal attention.
Please check out our class schedule page for more information then, feel free to contact us to sign up. Space and time is limited. We look forward to seeing you and your happy dog in class this year! 

Head Trainer
Training Helps
Contact Us

Welcome To
Franklin Happy Dogs!
We can help you go from this....
To this!
In order to thank all
 past Students
 and Graduates:
  All your future classes will be provided at
 half- price!

Sandy (Played by Corky and Owned by Virginia Smith) with Daddy Warbucks and Annie...trained and handled by Sally Mass in the Overlook Players production of "Annie", October, 2009.  Visit Smokey Mountain Theater for the Performing Arts.

You are right, Sally; teaching your dog to listen may save its life.  Yesterday afternoon my oldest son Chan and I took our family dogs with us on a section of the Appalachian Trail  between Tellico Gap and Wesser (NOC). Roscoe, Bella and Yella were slightly ahead of Chan on the trail. Chan saw Yella veer off to the left and stick her head under a downfall. He heard what sounded like an angry cat hissing, then vigorous rattling. Trailing behind on the trail it sounded to me as if we'd walked into...
(Click here for the rest of the story)
Testimonial Letter
from Student
Susan Jones

"Socializing" with our Friends